How to Cancel Blink App Subscription

If you want to cancel your Blink App membership? Sometimes you might find that you no longer need or want the services provided by the Blink App. Some users are rolling back from free version to paid versions for financial reasons. This guide helps how to cancel Blink membership step by step.

Amazon Blink offers an innovative home security system that includes cameras, motion detectors, and other smart devices. However, there might come a time when you need to discontinue your Subscription for various reasons. You can easily delete Blink camera easily. By spending a couple of minutes to cancel Amazon Blink paid services. Even if you cancel Blink subscriptions, you’ll still have access to the Blink app as a free version.

If you are using the mobile app, follow the instructions below to cancel the Blink subscription.

  • Open the Blink app and Go to settings.
  • Select Apps & Content, then Scroll down and select Amazon Blink.
  • Now you can select the Cancel button on there.
  • Once you click on it, You will get messages such as “You’re done!”
  • Then your Subscription goes to the free version.

If you are using the computer and trying to cancel the Amazon Blink subscriptions, follow the guide below.

  • Open the web browser on your computer and visit to you can see the current subscription plan you are using.
  • Then click on Cancel subscription open to remove the subscription plan from your account.
  • Now it will ask the reason for your cancellation.
  • Click again on the End My Subscription Now button.
  • Once it is canceled, you can see the subscription plan has been canceled, and you will get an email about it.

 Can I get a refund after canceling my membership?

Yes. Once your existing subscription plan is canceled, you will get a refund for any unused portion of the app. You then have the option to purchase a new plan on the Blink subscription.

Will my data be lost immediately after cancellation?

Your data should be accessible until the end of your current billing cycle. Back up any important information before cancellation.

How do I know if the cancellation is successful?

You should receive a confirmation email message within the app after successfully canceling your membership. Then you can confirm that you have canceled the subscription plan.

Can I keep using the app’s free features after canceling?

Yes, typically, you can continue using the app’s free features even after canceling a paid membership.


Canceling your Amazon Blink App membership doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can smoothly navigate the cancellation process while keeping your data and options in mind. Remember, rejoining in the future is always possible if the need arises.

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